Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Facebook charges you $100 to post to people they term important

It has been incorrectly reported in the media that Facebook charges $100 to send a message to its founder, Mark Zuckerberg.  Apparently a more precise rendering would be that Facebook charges $100 to get a message to someone with some unspecified amount of traffic above some limit with whom you are not known as correspondents in order to reach their inbox.  Otherwise, your mail goes into their "other" box.

This has interesting implications for journalism.  In a world when Thomas Friedman gets speaking gigs for $50,000 a day, now a news source has to pay the reporter $100 just to submit a tip.

Tuesday, January 08, 2013

The Tide has turned, the game is won, yet a ticket seller is advertising Notre Dame as victor

Just now advertised on Facebook.  I write this at 6:27 AM on January 8, 2013.  TicketsNow is bragging that Notre Dame will win the national championship in NCAA football.  The only problem is, Alabama won the game last night.

Things I wonder:

- How much is TicketsNow paying to advertise a game that has already been played?
- Why would a ticket vendor pick a team as a favorite?  Isn't their goal to sell tickets, not pick winners?
- Having spent money advertising tickets for a game that has already been played, and cheering for a team that lost decidedly, what will the marketing manager for TicketsNow choose as his next line of work?

Friday, January 04, 2013

An author for major media now is, via Facebook, charging $100 to send her an email.

I cannot believe the world has come to this.